Humor is emotional chaos
remembered in tranquility.
James Thurber
There was a power outage at a
department store yesterday.
Twenty people
were trapped on
the escalators.
Steven Wright
Humor is something which in today's world is as rare as a blue rose. While there are multiple opportunities for everyone to sit back and have a good laugh (traffic jams, governmental gridlock, threats of biological and nuclear extermination), far too many of us rely on those good old standbys, blind rage and mindless violence.There is only one word for that: BORING! There's no creativity in it, it's simply knee-jerk cause and effect. Look at the humor in Cyrano de Bergerac. When he is insulted by a particularly artless fellow about his nose, Cyrano expounds at length on how this dullard could have insulted him in a more colorful, eloquent and witty manner. Cyrano then quickly dispatches him with his sword. Now THAT is humorous.Foul deeds should always be preceded by flashes of intense, if not brilliant wit. This may even serve to defuse a violent situation, which would be a wonderful thing for the potential victim and perpetrator but very bad for the press since they'd have nothing to report except, you guessed it, good news!
It seems the best way to get through this contemptibly complicated and profoundly self-serious life is to laugh. Most imporantly, we should laugh at ourselves, our foibles and failings; then let loose on the other guy. Enjoy your life with it's ups and downs and laugh a little. It's far too short to do otherwise.
Roar with Laughter at the Following:
30 Ways to Be Offensive at a Funeral
Read at your own risk. Heartless and hysterical
A Course in Swedish Cursing
Inspired by Ingmar Bergman's "The Silence"
Filter that Please
Jive, Valley Speak, Sveedish Chef und Cherrman filters for your url's
Kevin Kelm's 54% Shinier Homepage
Off the wall, you have to read him to believe him.
The internet companion and guide to Tim Burton's best movie.
General Driving Rules for Morons
A must for owners of SUV's, Beamers and cellular phones.
White Trash Cookin' with Ed
Good things are bubblin' in them double wides.
Welcome to Nadine's White Trash Cookin'
Ed's cousin offers up good stuff that bin in the family for yars.
Mad Cow Disease
One of the funniest pages on the internet.
Have dry undershorts available before reading this.
The Stupid Page
Momma always said: "Stupid is as stupid does."
The Scary Baby Conspiracy
Rosemary's Baby meets Don Vito Corleone.
Elizabethan Curses
Literate, colorful put-downs for the pig-mawed jack-in-napes among us.
Pig Latin Converter..or something
Ethay alayesttay ecrayetsay ocayingday usedyay ibay ethay iteway ousehay.
Yeahman Itellyawhat...
The sage of Arlen, Texas floors us with his words of wisdom.
Ebonics Lectric Library Alternative Index
Learn a second language and dazzle your liberal friends with your newfound hipness.
The Politically Correct Dictionary
This is the cribbed final exam from the Department of
Euphemistics at a certain liberal arts college in the northeast.
On to more yocks
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Get me outta here. I wanna
see somethin' that makes sense